Mary Kate O’Connor, Assistant Head Wrangler

Mary Kate O’Connor, Assistant Head Wrangler

After spending five years working in the marketing industry, I decided to take a break from corporate America and join the Mountain Sky wrangling team for a summer. As it turns out, my little summer break has now become a permanent move across the country and a year-round position. I am so excited to be back at the ranch as Assistant Head Wrangler and I’m looking forward to sharing all of the beauty and wonder of this country with our guests. It will truly take ahold of you and keep you coming back year after year (I can attest!)

“PERC has held more conferences than I can count at Mountain Sky. In returning I know the facilities will be great, the food will be outstanding, and the hospitality extraordinary. But I most appreciate feeling like I am returning to family every time I go back. That feeling started with my first visit. Thanks.”

- Terry L. Anderson; Executive Director, PERC

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